The Mathematics of Stereo Projections

In this section of the notes, we will study the detailed mathematics involved in computing stereo projections. It will be necessary to first understand ordinary perspective projections, but to do so, we will need to start with a review some basic underlying concepts. Specifically, we shall examine:

- Spaces
- Vector spaces
- Affine spaces
- Projective spaces
- Allowed mathematical operations
- Barycentric combinations
- Affine transformations
- Projective transformations
- Role of 4x4 matrices in graphics systems
- Perspective projections
- Stereo perspective projections
There are several sources of more detailed and complete information on all these topics than the brief overview presented here. Angel's text (and in particular, Appendices B and C) is one excellent source. The technical report on graphical transformations and the CG&A tutorial derived from it are also available.