EECS 675: Multicore and GPU Programming

Spring 2020: Exam 2 Review


Exam Coverage

Exam Style

Questions usually consist of short-answer items (a few sentences to a paragraph), or questions that involve reading or writing code. For the latter, I do not expect you to memorize APIs. If a question involves specific APIs, I will give you the necessary prototypes. But given such a prototype, you are expected to know everything relevant to the question about how the function operates and the significance of its parameters. I will not remind you of that during the exam. Moreover, I usually try to make exams a bit more conceptual. For example, while questions certainly may involve writing some small segments of code, it is more common that I would ask questions about how you would design certain algorithms, data structures, and other design-level issues given properties of the platform and/or API than it is that I would ask you to write code to do some operation, particularly if a non-trivial amount of code would be required.


We will take time in class to review, including addressing items in this review guide, but there is preparation required on your part. Read this guide, review the book, your lecture notes and the web site, and come prepared to ask questions. The review will be most effective if you do not just pose questions verbatim from this guide.

Topic Review

  1. OpenMPI (Chapter 5.11 & 5.12)
  2. GPU Programming (Chapter 6-6.5)