Professional profile
Leadership and Awards
Professional Society
Journal Guest Editor |
Journal Editorial Board
Conference Chair |
Conference Program/Steering Committee
Conference Panels |
NSF Panels
Invited Talks
ACM Special Interest Groups |
Software Engineering Tutorials
Gallup strengths finder results:
Relator, Input, Achiever, Analytical, Learner (RIAAL)
Current and previous appointments
The University of Kansas, 2000-Present
Professor, 2000-Present
Associate Chair 2006-Present
Founding Director, Information Technology
Degree Programs (MSIT in 2006; BSIT in 2012,
Graduate Certificate in Cybersecurity in 2016;
Graduate Certificate in Software Enginering in 2016)
-- University Senate President, 2021-2022
-- University Senate President-Elect, 2020-2021
-- Member, Faculty Senate Executive Committee, 2018--2021
-- Member, University Senate Executive Committee, 2018--2021
-- Recipient, Miller Scholar Award "for significant contributions to the
teaching, research, and service mission of" School of Engineering,
Univeristy of Kansas, 2021
-- School of Engineering Curriculum Committee Member, 2021-
-- Diversity Scholar (2018)
-- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Faculty Fellow, 2017-
-- Senior Administrative Fellow, 2014-
-- Academic Leadership Council, 2014--2018
-- Member, KU Safe Zone, 2017--
-- Recipient, Kemper Fellowship for Excellence in
Teaching Award, 2008
-- Member, University Senate, 2009--2013
-- Member, University Faculty Senate, 2009--2013
-- Member, many departmental, school, and university
committees including a vice-chancellor evaluation,
a vice-provost recruiting, and FRPR (Faculty Rights,
Privileges and Responsibilities); too many others to
be listed here
New degree programs founded at the University of Kansas
-- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) in 2012 -- developed the
entire program and its curriculum (including the degree proposal, the degree
description and all
course descriptions including their labs); hired staff and faculty to teach
the program; led its accreditation by ABET in 2015; served as the program
director until 2018 (the BSIT program was transferred from the School of
Engineering to the School of Professional Studies in 2021)
-- Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT) in 2006 -- developed
the entire program and its curriculum (the degree proposal and all its course
descriptions); served as the program director until 2022 (the MSIT program
was transferred from the School of Engineering to the School of
Professional Studies in 2022)
-- Graduate Certificate Degree in Software Engineering (2016)
-- Graduate Certificate Degree in Cybersecurity (2016)
The University of Nebraska at Omaha, 1989--2000
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor (1995), Professor (2000)
--- Recipient, Distinguished Research Award, 2000
--- Recipient, Excellence in Teaching Award, 2000
--- Chair, University Council on Research, 1998-2000
--- Numerous departmental, college and university committees
Kansas State University, Computer Science Instructor, 1986-1989
Emporia State University, Adjunct Professor, 1984-1985
Professional society memberships
AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science)
ACM (Senior Member)
IEEE (Senior Member)
IEEE-Computer Society
IEEE TCSE (Technical Couoncil on Software Engineering)
Journal guest editor
- Guest Editor, Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy, special issue
on Secure Software Engineering, (2022)
- Guest Editor, Journal of Systems and
Software (Elsevier), special issue, Secure Software Engineering
Education (2017)
- Guest Editor, Journal of Systems and
Software (Elsevier), special issue, Educating the Net Generation, 2009
- Guest Editor, Journal of Systems and
Software (Elsevier), special issue on Barry Boehm's Contributions to Software
Engineering, Vol. 80, No. 8 (2007)
- Guest Editor (with Bruce Wiede), Journal of
Systems and Software (Elsevier), special issue on New Context in
Software Engineering Education and Training,
Vol. 74, No. 2 (2005).
- Guest Editor, Computer Science
Education, special issue on Bridging Academic
Software Engineering Education
and Industrial Needs, Education, Vol. 12, No. 1--2,
(April 2002)
- Guest Editor, Journal of Systems and
Software (Elsevier), special issue on Best Practices in Software Engineering,
Vol. 61 (2002)
- Guest Editor, Computer Science Education,
special issue on Practical Software Engineering Education, Vol. 11, No. 1
(January 2001)
- Guest Editor, Journal of Systems and
Software (Elsevier), special issue on Software Engineering
Education and Training for the Next Millennium,
Vol. 47, No. 12 (December 1999)
- Category Editor (Software Engineering and
Programming Languages), ACM Computing Reviews,
- Guest Editor, Journal of Systems and Software (Elsevier),
special issue on Formal Methods Technology Transfer, Vol. 40, No. 3, March
- Guest Editor, Information and Software
Technology, special issue on International Perspectives on
Software Engineering Education, Vol. 40, No. 4 (July 1998)
- Roundtable Editor,
IEEE Computer, An Invitation to
Formal Methods, Vol. 29, No. 4 (April 1996)
Journal editorial boards
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Computing
and Information Technology, 1995--Present
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Agile and Extreme
Software Development (Inderscience Publisher) , 2007--
- Associate Editor, Journal of Systems and Software, 2000-2012
- Associate Editor, Advances in Software Engineering
(Hindawi Science Publisher), 2007--
- Editorial Board,
Open Software Engineering Journal
(Bentham Science Publisher), 2007--
- Editorial Board, Computer Science Education (Swets &
Zeitlinger), 1997--2005
- Editorial Board
Journal of Information Systems Education, 1992--2000
- Editorial Board, SIGICE Bulletin, 1993--1997
- Reviewer for:
IEEE Computer, IEEE Software,
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
Information Security Journal,
Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy ,
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge
Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering
, Information and Software Technology, Information Sciences,
IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology,
Journal of Systems and Software, Computer Science Education,
Int'l Journal of Software and Knowledge Engineering,
Int'l Journal of Computing and Information Technology,
Int'l Journal of Modelling and Simulation,
ACM Data Base, Journal of Information Systems Education
Conference chair
- Conference Panels Chair, Conference on Software
Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), 2017,
Savannah, GA
- Panel Chair, Improving and Enhancing Diversity in Software
Engineering Profession,
2017 IEEE Conference on Software Engineering
Education and Training (CSEE&T 2017), November 7-9, 2017, Savannah, GA.
Chair, 5th Academy for Software Engineering Educators and
Trainers (SEE&T), March 10-12, 2010, Carnegie Mellon
Program Chair, Conference on Software Engineering
Education and Training (CSEE&T), 2008
- Conference Chair, Conference on Software Engineering
Education and Training (CSEE&T), 1999
- Co-Chair, Software Engineering Education Track,
International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE), May 3--10, 2003, Portland, OR.
- Co-Chair, Software Engineering Education Track,
International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE), May 12--19, 2001, Toronto, CA
- Panel Co-Chair, Education Panels, International Conference on
Software Engineering (ICSE), 2000
Panel and Tutorial Chair, Conference on Software
Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), 1998
Conference program/steering committee
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on
Information Systems Security (ICISSP), 2015-2025
- Committee Member, IEEE Conference on Software
Engineering Education and Training, 1999-2018, 2022-02025
- Steering Committee Member, IEEE Conference on Software
Engineering Education and Training, 1999--2008.
- Program Committee Member, IEEE
International Workshop on Security in Software
Engineering (IWSSE) --- COMPSAC 2008,
Turku, Finland, July 28-August 1 2008
- Program Committee Member, Software Engineering Education Track,
ICSE, 2008
- Program Committee Member, The First IEEE
International Workshop on Security in Software
Engineering (IWSSE) --- COMPSAC 2007,
Beijing, July 2007.
- Program Committee Member, Software Engineering
Education Track, ICSE, 2006
- Program Committee Member, 13th Asia Pacific
Software Engineering Conference (APSEC06), India,
December 2006
- Program Committee Member, 1st Workshop on Secure
Software Engineering Education and Training, 2006
- Program Committee Member, Conference on Software
Engineering Education and Training, 1997--2007
- Program Committee Member, 2006 International
Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) --- Education
- Program Committee Member, Educators' Symposium,
ACM/IEEE 8th International Conference on Model Driven
Engineering Languages and Systems, 2005
- Program Committee Member, 2001 International Conference on
Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques,
Las Vegas, Nevada
- Program Committee Member, International Conference
on Software Engineering (ICSE), June 4--11, 2000
- Editor, Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Software
Engineering Education and Training, 1999.
- Editor, Proceedings of the Fourth International
Workshop on Software Engineering Education and Training,
- Program Member, Third IEEE International Conference
on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, 1997
- Program Member, First IEEE International Conference
on Formal Engineering Methods, 1997
- Program Committee Member, Conference on Software
Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), 1996--1999
- Program Committee Member, Third International Conference
on Reliability, Quality and Safety of Software Intensive
Systems (ENCRESS '97), 1996--1997
- Steering Committee Member, ACM Symposium on Applied
Computing, 1994--1996
- Program Committee Member, International Business School Computing
Association, 1994
- Session Chair, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing,
- Session Chair, ACM Symposium on Personal and Small
Computers (1990)
- Prepared Programming Problems for the ACM Collegian
Programming Contest, ACM Computer Science Conference, 1993
- Organizer and Judge, FBLA Computer Programming Contest,
- Reviewer for the following conferences: ICSE 2000,
Conference on Software Engineering Education (1995--2009),
Third IEEE International Conference on Engineering of
Complex Computer Systems (1997),
First IEEE International
Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (1997),
Eight IEEE International Conference on Tools with AI (1996),
ACM Symposium on Software Reusability (1995--1999),
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (1989--1996),
Hawaii International Conferences on Systems Sciences (1994),
Annual Worldwide Conference on Information Systems Education (1994), IEEE International Phoenix Conference on Computers and
Communications (IPCCC-1993),
ACM SIGCSE Symposium (1991-2000),
ACM Symposium on Personal and Small Computers (1990),
Information Resource Management Association Conference (1990),
International Business School Computing Association (1990-1994),
Information Systems Education Conference (1990)
Organized, moderated, and/or participated in the following
regional, national, and international panels:
- Panel on ``Generative AI in the Classroom, 2024 ASEE
Midwest Conference (Lawrence, KS), September 9, 2024, Panel
members: Doug Ward (The University of Kansas), Tareq Daher
(University of Nebraska), Hossein Saiedian, and John Hassell
(University of Oklahoma Polytechnic Institute).
- Panel on Exploring the Power of AI: Leveraging
LLMs as Powerful Teaching Tools 2023 KU Teaching
Summit (Lawrence, KS), August 19, 2023. Panel members:
Hossein Saiedian and Michael Branicky (The University
of Kansas)
- Panel on Leveraging students’ digital
immersion as a conduit to learning, KU Teaching
Summit (Lawrence, Kansas) August 18, 2022. Panel
members: Hossein Saiedian and Blake Bryant.
- Panel on Transitioning and Leveraging Valuable Lessons in
Course Delivery That We Learned During the Pandemic,
2021 KU Teaching Summit (Lawrence, KS), August 21, 2021. Panel
members: Hossein Saiedian, Michael Branicky, and Blake Bryant (The
University of Kansas)
- Panel on How to Improve and Enhance Diversity in
Software Engineering Programs,
30th IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education
and Training, (Savannah, GA), November 2017. Panel members:
Hossein Saiedian (chair), Grace Lewis (Carnegie Mellon), and
Andrew Williams (University of Kansas)
- Panel on Software Engineering Education (SEE) Research
and Publication: Issues, Challenges and Directions,
18th IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and
Training, 2005. Panel Members: Hossein Saiedian, Chair,
Timothy Lethbridge (University of Ottwa) and Dan Port
(University of Hawaii)
- Panel on eXtreme Programming: Helpful or Harmful;
25th International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE), Portland, OR, May 2003. Panel Members:
Hossein Saiedian, Chair, Lars Bendix, Görel Hedin,
Lorraine Johnston, Boris Magnusson, Jean-Guy Schneider.)
- Panel on Software Engineering Body of
Knowledge (SWEBOK), 23rd International Conference
on Software Engineering (ICSE), Toronto, Canada,
May 2001. Panel members included: Hossein Saiedian,
D. Bagert (Texas Tech), R. Dupuis (U. of Quebec),
P. Freeman (Georgia Tech), M. Shaw (Carnegie Mellon)
and B. Thompson (U. of Sunderland). SWEBOK is an ACM
and IEEE-CS joint project.
- Panel on Shortages of Qualified Software
Engineering Faculty and Practitioners: Challenges in
Breaking the Cycle, 22nd International Conference
on Software Engineering (ICSE). Panel members
included: Hossein Saiedian, Co-Chair, Nancy Mead
(Carnegie Mellon) Co-Chair, D. Bagert (Texas-Tech),
Helen Edwards (University of Sunderland, UK), Mike
Ryan (Dublin University, Ireland), and Gunther Ruhe
(Fraunhofer Institute, Germany).
- Panel on Teaching Formal Methods Early in the Software
Engineering Curriculum, 13th Conference on Software
Engineering Education and Training, March 6, 2000.
Panel members included: Hossein Saiedian, Ann E. Kelly Sobel,
Allan Stavely, and Peter Henderson.
- Panel on Organizational Issues in Project Oriented
Software Engineering Courses, ACM SIGCSE Symposium,
March 5, 1994, Phoenix, AZ. Panel members included:
Hossein Saiedian, Stu Zweben (then the ACM President),
Donald Gotterbarn, Evan Adams, and Linda Northrop (SEI, CMU).
- Panel on Object-Oriented Technology: Spreading the
Word, ACM SIGCSE Symposium, March 6, 1992, Kansas City,
MO. Panel members included: Hossein Saiedian, Rick Mercer (Penn State),
Linda Northrop (SEI, CMU) and Michael Lutz (RIT).
- Panel on Applications of Formal Methods in Industrial
Software Engineering,
the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, March 3, 1992,
Kansas City, MO. Panel members included: Hossein Saiedian,
William Hankley (Kansas State) Michael Lutz and Freydoun Kazemian (RIT).
Invited talks
"Exploring the Power of AI: Leveraging ChatGPT and Bard as Powerful Teaching Tools,"
The KU Center for Teaching Excellence, October 24, 2023.
Presentation, "Exploring the Power of AI: LLMs and Generative
AI as Powerful Teaching and Learning Tools," CMU/SEI Software
Engineering Workshop for Educators, Pittsburgh, PA, August
3, 2023.
"Software Architecture Engineering: Foundation for Quality
Software," Garmin International Corp., March 30, 2016.
"IT Education and Training for the Healthcare Software
Professionals," Cerner Corporation, December 1, 2014.
"Software Security: Capturing, Modelling, and Documenting
Security Requirements," Chamber of Commerce, September 27, 2013.
Presentation, "Cryptology and Information Security."
KU Professional Edge Series, April 4, 2012. [Cited in Higher Ed
(Summer 2012) in a column entitled "Nobody's Hack-Proof But
You Can Make it More Difficult"]
- Presentation, Software Architectural Engineering:
Documenting Quality,
University of Missouri--Rolla, April 12, 2007.
- Presentation, Software Architectural Engineering:
Defining, Building, and Evaluating Quality,
University of Missouri--Kansas City, April 14, 2006.
- Presentation Tradeoff Analysis in
Architecture-Based Software Engineering, Sprint
University of Excellence, Overland Park, December
19, 2003.
- Presentation, The "Engineering" in Software
Engineering, Sprint Corporation, Overland Park, KS,
December 7, 2002.
- Presentation, Best Practices in
Software Project Management Training, Omaha SPIN
Meeting, Omaha, NE, February 15, 2000.
- Presentation, Putting "Engineering" into
Software Engineering, Omaha SPIN Meeting, Omaha, NE,
February 16, 1999.
- Presentation, Software Quality and Formal
Methods, Software Engineering Colloquium, Department of
Computer Science, Mississippi State University, November
16, 1998 (via VTEL Teleconferencing Technology).
- Presentation, Software Quality thru Process
Improvement, Infotech'97 (Executive Track),
Holiday Inn Convention Center, Omaha, NE, April 29, 1997.
- Presentation, Quality Standards and Software Process
Improvement, Seminar in Information Science and Technology,
University of Nebraska at Omaha, October 22, 1997.
(Presented to an audience of 220 students and faculty.)
- Presentation, Designing a Certificate Program in
Software Engineering, Omaha SPIN Meeting, January 21, 1997.
- Keynote Speech, Formalism in Computer
Science and Software Engineering, NSF Workshop on Exploring
Formal Methods in Computer Science Education, July 23, 1996,
Stevens Institute, Hoboken, NJ.
- Presentation, Quality Software Development,
Presented at the ACM Midland Chapter Meeting, Omaha, PKCC,
October 24, 1996.
- Presentation, Information Systems Design is an
Engineering Discipline, Presented at the Monthly Meeting of
IEEE, Omaha, NE, April 13, 1995.
- Presentation, Formalism in Object-Oriented
Modeling, NSF Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology,
August 13, 1992, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester,
- Presentation, On the Relevance of Formal Methods in
Software Engineering, Presented at the ACM Midland Chapter
Meeting, January 15, 1992.
- Colloquium Presentation, Formalism in Software
Specification, Department of Computer Science, University of
South Dakota, November 13 1991.
NSF panel participant and reviewer
- Partnerships for International Research
and Education (PIRE) in Computer Sciences,
Cyberinfrastructure, and Mathematics, March 16-18,
2010, NSF, Arlington, VA
- Computing Processes & Artifacts proposals
on software engineering and programming languages,
2007, NSF, Arlington, VA.
- MII Proposal Site-visit, University of Texas at
San Antonio, June 1--2, 2004.
- CAREER Program in Software Engineering and
Languages (CISE/CCR), 1998, NSF, Arlington, VA
- Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR),
1998, NSF, Arlington, VA
ACM special interest groups
Chair, ACM Special Interest Group on Individual
Computing Environment (SIGICE), 1993-1997
Chair, TCSE Committee on Software Engineering Education, 2002--2005
Software engineering workshops/short courses (1/2-day to 1-week)
- H. Saiedian, Tutorial, Object and Component Modeling,
User Stories, and UML," Garmin International, July 17, 2014,
Olathe, KS
- H. Saiedian, Tutorial, Practical Software
Measurements for Software Project Management, First
Data Corporation, March 3, 2000, Omaha, NE
- H. Saiedian, Tutorial, Objective Software Project
Management, Equitable Life Corporation, November 23-24, 1999,
Des Moines, IA
- H. Saiedian, Tutorial on Formal Specifications via Z,
23rd Hawaiian International Conference on Systems Sciences
(HICSS-32), January 4, 1999, Maui Island, HI
- H. Saiedian, Tutorial, Object-Oriented Modeling via
UML, InfoTec'98, April 14, 1998, Omaha, NE
- H. Saiedian, Tutorial, Object-Oriented Programming in C++,
Harris Corporation, March 24--26, 1998, Bellevue, NE
- H. Saiedian, Tutorial, Developing Formal Specification via
Z, Conference on Software Engineering Education, April 13, 1997,
Virginia Beach, VA
- H. Saiedian, Tutorial on Developing Formal Specifications
via Z, ACM SIGCSE Symposium, February 27, 1997, San Jose, CA
- H. Saiedian, Tutorial, Z as a Tool for Supporting Formal
Descriptions, NSF Workshop on Exploring Formal Methods in the
Computer Science Curriculum, July 25, 1996, Stevens Institute,
Hoboken, NJ
- H. Saiedian, Tutorial, Formal Specification via Z,
SEI Conference on Software Engineering Education,
April 21, 1996, Daytona Beach, FL
- H. Saiedian, Tutorial on Software Development with Z,
ACM SIGCSE Symposium, February 17, 1996, Philadelphia, PA
- H. Saiedian, Tutorial, Integration of Formal Methods
into Software Engineering Courses, NSF Workshop on Formal
Methods, August 4, 1994, Colgate College, Clinton, NY
- H. Saiedian, Tutorial, Formal Methods in Software
Development, ACM SIGCSE Symposium, March 5, 1992, Kansas City,
- H. Saiedian, Tutorial, Finding Objects,
NSF Workshop on Integrating Object-Oriented Programming in CS
Curriculum, Rochester, NY, August 1991.