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Hossein Saiedian's mathematics genealogy roots

Below is my academic (mathematics) genealogy tree, based on data from the Mathematics Genealogy Project. Click on the image for a larger version.

It is based on data from the Mathematics Genealogy Project. The project tracks academic relationships among researchers in the field. It’s fascinating to see how mathematical lineage connects us across generations!

My scientific genealogy tree includes some of history's most brilliant minds, with connections to figures like Ohm, Fourier, Poisson, Gauss, Euler, Leibniz, and even the illustrious Leonardo da Vinci. It's inspiring to be linked to such a prestigious intellectual heritage:

My MGP ID is 172390 and my MPG webpage is: Saiedian MGP (172390).

Unrelated to the above but for those interested in and knowledgeable about the Erdos number, my Erdos number is three (3).