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Email communications in a professional environment

Effective email communication within a professional setting holds significant importance. Such correspondence necessitates conciseness, clarity, and a tone of respect. It is crucial to bear in mind that you are a representative of the School of Engineering at the University of Kansas, an institution of high regard. Your emails should mirror this elevated stature.

By diligently following the following email etiquette guidelines, you will ensure that your electronic communications maintain a professional tone. The provided etiquette recommendations have been adapted, expanded, and enriched, drawing inspiration from reputable sources such as Indeed and Enterpreneur.

  • Include a subject line. Provide a clear and concise subject line that accurately reflects the content of your email. For example, for an EECS course-related email include EECS###, followed by a short phrase describing the purpose of the email.
  • Include professional greetings. Address the recipient appropriately: Use the recipient's name or proper title, depending on the level of formality. Always use a salutation that is appropriate for the relationship you have with the email recipient.
  • Use an introduction. Introduce yourself when the recipients does not know who you are.
  • Use professional language. Maintain a professional tone and avoid using slang or informal language.
  • Use proper capitalization. Understand the correct use of lowercase and uppercase letters. Capitalize the first letter of sentences, proper nouns, and important headings. Avoid all caps; it may sound like you are screaming your intentions.
  • Be concise. Keep your emails brief and to the point. Avoid unnecessary fluff to maintain the reader's interest.
  • Proofread. Proper spelling and grammar are essential in professional emails. Double-check the spelling of the recipient’s name; be cautious of erroneous auto-correction.
  • Use punctuation symbols properly. Effective email communication hinges on clarity and professionalism. Proper punctuation usage plays a pivotal role in achieving both. By understanding the purpose of each punctuation symbol and adhering to spacing guidelines, you can elevate your email writing and enhance your message's impact.
  • Use a simple format. Use a simple format and a simple font (preferably a san serif font) so your email shows uniformly on different platforms.
  • Use appropriate closings. End your email with a professional closing followed by your name and contact information.
  • Double-check attachments. Also, when you have to send many files, place them in a folder with a descriptive name, compress the folder into a zip file and attach the zip file. Better yet, place the files on the cloud and share via a URL. The URL too long? Use an online service to shorten.
  • Be cautious with reply all to avoid inundating a list of people with unnecessary content.
  • Make responsiveness a priority. Responsiveness starts with the right mindset. Accept the reality that your response time speaks volumes about your character. Pick a response window. Being responsive is important, but you have to find a balance so you're not a slave to your email.
  • Acknowledge receipt. “Everyone's busy, but there’s no excuse for not at least acknowledging a message. It takes five seconds.”
  • If you fall off the wagon, apologize. “Please forgive me for taking so long to respond.” Don’t offer excuses, just apologize and move on.

The implications of non-responsiveness

Equally essential is the promptness of your email responses. Failing to acknowledge an email in a timely manner can lead to various interpretations:

  • The email might not have reached you.
  • The email has gone to your SPAM folder.
  • You accidentally deleted the email.
  • You intentionally ignored the email. But deliberate disregard of the an might inadvertently establish a precedent wherein the sender might reciprocate the same behavior, a scenario not conducive to effective communication.

The following are verbatim quotes compiled from the Internet about the importance of timely email responses:

  • "Responding in a timely manner shows that you are conscientious — organized, dependable and hardworking."
  • "No, You Can’t Ignore Email. It’s Rude."
  • "Being overwhelmed is no excuse. It’s hard to be good at your job if you’re bad at responding to people."
  • “I’m too busy to answer your email” really means “Your email is not a priority for me right now.”
  • "Listen, I get it. We’re all busy. But that’s no excuse for bad behavior. Response time is a non-verbal cue that speaks volumes about who we are, for better or for worse."
  • "Think of the last time you sent an important email and didn’t get a response. Your first reaction was probably, He’s just busy. After a few days, you wonder, Did he get my e-mail? A few days later, What did I do wrong? Then, invariably, What a jerk!"