cryph utilities [subset]  2.0
Subset of the full cryph package of mathematical utilities for points, vectors, and matrices
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Static Public Attributes | List of all members
cryph::AffPoint Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 AffPoint ()
 AffPoint (const AffPoint &P)
 AffPoint (const AffVector &v)
 AffPoint (double xx, double yy, double zz=0.0)
 AffPoint (const double P[])
 AffPoint (const float P[])
virtual ~AffPoint ()
AffPoint operator= (const AffPoint &rhs)
AffPoint operator+= (const AffVector &rhs)
AffPoint operator+= (const AffPoint &rhs)
AffPoint operator-= (const AffVector &rhs)
AffPoint operator*= (double f)
AffPoint operator/= (double f)
double operator[] (int index) const
AffPoint operator+ (const AffPoint &p2) const
AffPoint operator* (double f) const
AffPoint operator/ (double f) const
AffVector operator- (const AffPoint &p2) const
AffPoint operator+ (const AffVector &v2) const
AffPoint operator- (const AffVector &v2) const
double * aCoords (double *coords, int offset=0) const
double * aCoords (double coords[][3], int offset=0) const
float * aCoords (float *coords, int offset=0) const
float * aCoords (float coords[][3], int offset=0) const
void assign (double xx, double yy, double zz)
void barycentricCoords (const AffPoint &P1, const AffPoint &P2, const AffPoint &P3, double &b1, double &b2, double &b3) const
void barycentricCoords (const AffPoint &P1, const AffPoint &P2, double &b1, double &b2) const
bool coincidentWith (const AffPoint &p) const
double distanceFromLine (const AffPoint &B, const AffVector &u) const
double distanceFromOrigin () const
double distanceSquaredFromLine (const AffPoint &B, const AffVector &u) const
double distanceSquaredFromOrigin () const
double distanceSquaredTo (const AffPoint &p) const
double distanceTo (const AffPoint &p) const
double normalize ()
double * pCoords (double *coords, double w, int offset=0) const
float * pCoords (float *coords, float w, int offset=0) const
void swizzle (char xyz[3])
void toCylindrical (double &r, double &theta, double &z) const
void toSpherical (double &rho, double &theta, double &phi) const

Static Public Member Functions

static AffPoint centroid (const AffPoint p[], int nPoints)
static AffPoint fromBarycentricCoords (const AffPoint &P1, const AffPoint &P2, const AffPoint &P3, double b1, double b2, double b3)
static AffPoint fromBarycentricCoords (const AffPoint &P1, const AffPoint &P2, double b1, double b2)
static AffPoint fromCylindrical (double r, double theta, double z)
static AffPoint fromSpherical (double rho, double theta, double phi)
static double getCoincidenceTolerance ()
static double maxOffsetInDirection (const AffPoint &ref, const AffVector &dir, const AffPoint buf[], int bufSize, int &index1, int &index2)
static double ratio (const AffPoint &a, const AffPoint &b, const AffPoint &c)
static void setCoincidenceTolerance (double tol)

Public Attributes

double x
double y
double z

Static Public Attributes

static const AffPoint origin = AffPoint(0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0)
static const AffPoint xAxisPoint = AffPoint(1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0)
static const AffPoint yAxisPoint = AffPoint(0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0)
static const AffPoint zAxisPoint = AffPoint(0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cryph::AffPoint::AffPoint ( )

Default constructor creates a point at the origin.

cryph::AffPoint::AffPoint ( const AffPoint P)

The copy constructor.

P[INPUT ONLY] the point whose coordinates are to initialize "this"
cryph::AffPoint::AffPoint ( const AffVector v)

Construct a point from a vector (i.e., "this" point = origin + v)

v[INPUT ONLY] a vector
cryph::AffPoint::AffPoint ( double  xx,
double  yy,
double  zz = 0.0 

Creates a point at the specified location.

xx[INPUT ONLY] the x coordinate
yy[INPUT ONLY] the y coordinate
zz[INPUT ONLY] the z coordinate (defaults to 0.0)
cryph::AffPoint::AffPoint ( const double  P[])

Construct from a double array

P[INPUT ONLY] an array assumed to be of length 3 holding (x, y, z)
cryph::AffPoint::AffPoint ( const float  P[])

Construct from a float array

P[INPUT ONLY] an array assumed to be of length 3 holding (x, y, z)
cryph::AffPoint::~AffPoint ( )

The destructor

Member Function Documentation

double * cryph::AffPoint::aCoords ( double *  coords,
int  offset = 0 
) const

Extract the coordinates of "this" point into an array of double, starting at the given offset. Among other things, this method is useful for interfacing with OpenGL, especially routines like glBufferData. For example, a caller can allocate an array of an appropriate size, then loop over an array of AffPoint instances, invoking the aCoords method as follows:

double* buf = new double[3*NUM_POINTS];
for (int i=0 ; i<NUM_POINTS ; i++)
    affPointArray[i].aCoords(buf, 3*i);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 3*NUM_POINTS*sizeof(double), buf, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
delete [] buf;
coords[OUTPUT ONLY] the array into which the (x, y, z) coordinates of "this" point are to be copied. Must be at least (offset+3) positions long.
offset[INPUT ONLY] the starting location in coords where the coordinates are to be placed (defaults to 0)
the given coords array pointer so that the method call can be used as a parameter to an OpenGL function expecting an array of double
See also
double * cryph::AffPoint::aCoords ( double  coords[][3],
int  offset = 0 
) const

Extract the coordinates of "this" point into an array of "dvec3" (a built-in GLSL data type essentially equivalent to "typedef double dvec[3];"), starting at the given offset. Among other things, this method is useful for interfacing with OpenGL, especially routines like glBufferData. For example, a caller can allocate an array of an appropriate size, then loop over an array of AffPoint instances, invoking the aCoords method as follows:

dvec3* buf = new dvec3[NUM_POINTS]; // assuming the "typedef" above
for (int i=0 ; i<NUM_POINTS ; i++)
    affPointArray[i].aCoords(buf, i);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, NUM_POINTS*sizeof(dvec3), buf, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
delete [] buf;
coords[OUTPUT ONLY] the array into which the (x, y, z) coordinates of "this" point are to be copied. Must be at least (offset+1) positions long.
offset[INPUT ONLY] the starting location in coords where the coordinates are to be placed (defaults to 0)
the given coords array pointer so that the method call can be used as a parameter to an OpenGL function expecting an array of double
See also
float * cryph::AffPoint::aCoords ( float *  coords,
int  offset = 0 
) const

Extract the coordinates of "this" point into an array of float, starting at the given offset. Among other things, this method is useful for interfacing with OpenGL, especially routines like glBufferData. For example, a caller can allocate an array of an appropriate size, then loop over an array of AffPoint instances, invoking the aCoords method as follows:

float* buf = new float[3*NUM_POINTS];
for (int i=0 ; i<NUM_POINTS ; i++)
    affPointArray[i].aCoords(buf, 3*i);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 3*NUM_POINTS*sizeof(float), buf, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
delete [] buf;
coords[OUTPUT ONLY] the array into which the (x, y, z) coordinates of "this" point are to be copied. Must be at least (offset+3) positions long.
offset[INPUT ONLY] the starting location in coords where the coordinates are to be placed (defaults to 0)
the given coords array pointer so that the method call can be used as a parameter to an OpenGL function expecting an array of float
See also
float * cryph::AffPoint::aCoords ( float  coords[][3],
int  offset = 0 
) const

Extract the coordinates of "this" point into an array of "vec3" (a built-in GLSL data type essentially equivalent to "typedef float vec[3];"), starting at the given offset. Among other things, this method is useful for interfacing with OpenGL, especially routines like glBufferData. For example, a caller can allocate an array of an appropriate size, then loop over an array of AffPoint instances, invoking the aCoords method as follows:

vec3* buf = new vec3[NUM_POINTS]; // assuming the "typedef" above
for (int i=0 ; i<NUM_POINTS ; i++)
    affPointArray[i].aCoords(buf, i);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, NUM_POINTS*sizeof(vec3), buf, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
delete [] buf;
coords[OUTPUT ONLY] the array into which the (x, y, z) coordinates of "this" point are to be copied. Must be at least (offset+1) positions long.
offset[INPUT ONLY] the starting location in coords where the coordinates are to be placed (defaults to 0)
the given coords array pointer so that the method call can be used as a parameter to an OpenGL function expecting an array of float
See also
void cryph::AffPoint::assign ( double  xx,
double  yy,
double  zz 

Reset the (x, y, z) coordinates of "this" point

xx[INPUT ONLY] the new x coordinate
yy[INPUT ONLY] the new y coordinate
zz[INPUT ONLY] the new z coordinate
void cryph::AffPoint::barycentricCoords ( const AffPoint P1,
const AffPoint P2,
const AffPoint P3,
double &  b1,
double &  b2,
double &  b3 
) const

Compute the Barycentric coordinates (b1, b2, b3) of "this" point with respect to the three given reference points, P1, P2, and P3. We assume "this" point lies in the plane determined by the points P1, P2, and P3. On return, b1, b2, and b3 will have been computed such that: (i) b1 + b2 + b3 = 1, (ii) "this" point = b1*P1 + b2*P2 + b3*P3, and (iii) none of "this" point, P1, P2, or P3 will have been changed. Furthermore, if "this" point lies in the triangle P1-P2-P3, then b1>=0, b2>=0, and b3>=0.

P1[INPUT ONLY] the first reference point
P2[INPUT ONLY] the second reference point
P3[INPUT ONLY] the third reference point
b1[OUTPUT ONLY] b1 the returned Barycentric coordinate (associated with P1)
b2[OUTPUT ONLY] b2 the returned Barycentric coordinate (associated with P2)
b3[OUTPUT ONLY] b3 the returned Barycentric coordinate (associated with P3)
See also
void cryph::AffPoint::barycentricCoords ( const AffPoint P1,
const AffPoint P2,
double &  b1,
double &  b2 
) const

Compute the Barycentric coordinates (b1, b2) of "this" point with respect to the two given reference points, P1 and P2. We assume "this" point lies on the line determined by the points P1 and P2. On return, b1 and b2 will have been computed such that: (i) b1 + b2 = 1, (ii) "this" point = b1*P1 + b2*P2, and (iii) none of "this" point, P1, or P2 will have been changed. Furthermore, if ("this" point lies between P1 and P2 on the line, then b1>=0 and b2>=0.

P1[INPUT ONLY] the first reference point
P2[INPUT ONLY] the second reference point
b1[OUTPUT ONLY] the returned Barycentric coordinate (associated with P1)
b2[OUTPUT ONLY] the returned Barycentric coordinate (associated with P2)
See also
AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::centroid ( const AffPoint  p[],
int  nPoints 

Compute and return the centroid of the given array of points

p[INPUT ONLY] an array of AffPoint instances
nPoints[INPUT ONLY] the number of AffPoint instances in the array, p
the computed centroid
bool cryph::AffPoint::coincidentWith ( const AffPoint p) const

Determine whether "this" point is coincident with P within the current coincidence tolerance

P[INPUT ONLY] the point to be compared with "this" point
true if and only if "this" point is coincident with P within the current coincidence tolerance.
See also
double cryph::AffPoint::distanceFromLine ( const AffPoint B,
const AffVector u 
) const

Compute and return the distance from "this" point to the given line

B[INPUT ONLY] a point on the line
u[INPUT ONLY] a vector along the line
the distance from "this" point to the line(B, u)
double cryph::AffPoint::distanceFromOrigin ( ) const

Compute the distance from "this" point to the origin

the distance
double cryph::AffPoint::distanceSquaredFromLine ( const AffPoint B,
const AffVector u 
) const

Compute and return the distance squared from "this" point to the given line

B[INPUT ONLY] a point on the line
u[INPUT ONLY] a vector along the line
the square of the distance from "this" point to the line(B, u)
double cryph::AffPoint::distanceSquaredFromOrigin ( ) const

Compute the square of the distance from "this" point to the origin

the square of the distance from "this" point to the origin
double cryph::AffPoint::distanceSquaredTo ( const AffPoint p) const

Compute the square of the distance from "this" point to the given point

P[INPUT ONLY] the point whose distance squared from "this" point we seek
the square of the distance from "this" point to the given point
double cryph::AffPoint::distanceTo ( const AffPoint p) const

Compute the distance from "this" point to the given point

P[INPUT ONLY] the point whose distance from "this" point we seek
the distance from "this" point to the given point
static AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::fromBarycentricCoords ( const AffPoint P1,
const AffPoint P2,
const AffPoint P3,
double  b1,
double  b2,
double  b3 

Compute and return the point whose barycentric coordinates are (b1, b2, b3) with respect to the reference points P1, P2, and P3

P1[INPUT ONLY] the first input reference point
P2[INPUT ONLY] the second input reference point
P3[INPUT ONLY] the third input reference point
b1[INPUT ONLY] the Barycentric coordinate for P1
b2[INPUT ONLY] the Barycentric coordinate for P2
b3[INPUT ONLY] the Barycentric coordinate for P3
the computed point
See also
static AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::fromBarycentricCoords ( const AffPoint P1,
const AffPoint P2,
double  b1,
double  b2 

Compute and return the point whose barycentric coordinates are (b1, b2) with respect to the reference points P1 and P2

P1[INPUT ONLY] the first input reference point
P2[INPUT ONLY] the second input reference point
b1[INPUT ONLY] the Barycentric coordinate for P1
b2[INPUT ONLY] the Barycentric coordinate for P2
the computed point
See also
static AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::fromCylindrical ( double  r,
double  theta,
double  z 

Compute and return the point with the given cylindrical coordinates

r[INPUT ONLY] the radial cylindrical coordinate
theta[INPUT ONLY] the theta cylindrical coordinate
z[INPUT ONLY] the z coordinate
the computed point
See also
static AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::fromSpherical ( double  rho,
double  theta,
double  phi 

Compute and return the point with the given spherical coordinates

rho[INPUT ONLY] the distance from the origin to the desired point
theta[INPUT ONLY] the desired theta
phi[INPUT ONLY] the desired phi
See also
static double cryph::AffPoint::getCoincidenceTolerance ( )

Get the current point coincidence tolerance.

the current tolerance
See also
double cryph::AffPoint::maxOffsetInDirection ( const AffPoint ref,
const AffVector dir,
const AffPoint  buf[],
int  bufSize,
int &  index1,
int &  index2 

Find the point in the given buffer of points that is farthest away away in the given direction. If that point is 'P', the function return value is "(P-ref).dir". If there is exactly one such farthest point, then the indices index1 and index2 will both contain the index of 'P' in 'buf'. If several points tie, then index1 and index2 are the indices of the first succession of adjacent points all at that offset. If there are multiple sets of adjacent tieing points, only the indices of the first are returned.

ref[INPUT ONLY] a reference point used to compute distances
dir[INPUT ONLY] a vector which, along with 'ref', define a plane away from which distances are measured.
buf[INPUT ONLY] the array of points to be analyzed
bufSize[INPUT ONLY] the number of points in 'buf'
index1[OUTPUT ONLY] as described above
index2[OUTPUT ONLY] as described above
double cryph::AffPoint::normalize ( )

Move "this" point along the line through the origin until it lies on the unit sphere centered at the origin.

AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::operator* ( double  f) const

Scales "this" point by f and returns the result as an AffPoint

f[INPUT ONLY] the scale factor
the scaled AffPoint
AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::operator*= ( double  f)

Scales the coordinates of "this" point by f

f[INPUT ONLY] the scale factor
the value of the scaled AffPoint
AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::operator+ ( const AffPoint p2) const

Adds "this" point to p2 and returns the result as an AffPoint

p2[INPUT ONLY] the point to add
the sum of "this" point and p2
AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::operator+ ( const AffVector v2) const

Adds the vector v2 to "this" point and returns the result as an AffPoint

v2[INPUT ONLY] the vector to add
the AffPoint resulting from adding v2 to "this" point
AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::operator+= ( const AffVector rhs)

Adds the coordinates of rhs to "this" point

rhs[INPUT ONLY] a const reference to an AffVector
the result of incrementing the AffPoint
AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::operator+= ( const AffPoint rhs)

Adds the coordinates of rhs to "this" point

rhs[INPUT ONLY] a const reference to an AffPoint
the result of incrementing the AffPoint
AffVector cryph::AffPoint::operator- ( const AffPoint p2) const

Subtracts p2 from "this" point and returns the result as an AffVector

p2[INPUT ONLY] the point to subtract
the AffVector resulting from subtracting p2 from "this" point
AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::operator- ( const AffVector v2) const

Subtracts the vector v2 from "this" point and returns the result as an AffPoint

v2[INPUT ONLY] the vector to subtract
the AffPoint resulting from subtracting v2 from "this" point
AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::operator-= ( const AffVector rhs)

Subtracts the coordinates of rhs from "this" point

rhs[INPUT ONLY] a const reference to an AffVector
the result of decrementing the AffPoint
AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::operator/ ( double  f) const

Divides "this" point by f (i.e., scales by 1/f) and returns the result as an AffPoint

f[INPUT ONLY] the divisor
the AffPoint divided by f
AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::operator/= ( double  f)

Divides the coordinates of "this" point by f (i.e., scales by 1/f)

f[INPUT ONLY] the divisor
the value of the divided AffPoint
AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::operator= ( const AffPoint rhs)

Assigns the coordinates of rhs to "this" point

rhs[INPUT ONLY] a const reference to an AffPoint
the value assigned
double cryph::AffPoint::operator[] ( int  index) const

Returns x (if index = 0); y (if index is 1); z (if index is 2) The returned value cannot be used as an l-value.

index[INPUT ONLY] the desired coordinate
the selected point coordinate
double * cryph::AffPoint::pCoords ( double *  coords,
double  w,
int  offset = 0 
) const

Extract the coordinates of "this" point into an array of double, starting at the given offset. While doing so, embed each point in projective space using the given w coordinate. Among other things, this method is useful for interfacing with OpenGL, especially routines like glBufferData. For example, a caller can allocate an array of an appropriate size, then loop over an array of AffPoint instances, invoking the pCoords method as follows:

double* buf = new double[4*NUM_POINTS];
for (int i=0 ; i<NUM_POINTS ; i++)
    affPointArray[i].pCoords(buf, 4*i);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 4*NUM_POINTS*sizeof(double), buf, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
delete [] buf;
coords[OUTPUT ONLY] the array into which the (x, y, z, w) projective space coordinates of "this" point are to be copied. Must be at least (offset+4) positions long.
offset[INPUT ONLY] the starting location in coords where the coordinates are to be placed (defaults to 0)
the given coords array pointer so that the method call can be used as a parameter to an OpenGL function expecting an array of double
See also
float * cryph::AffPoint::pCoords ( float *  coords,
float  w,
int  offset = 0 
) const

Extract the coordinates of "this" point into an array of float, starting at the given offset. While doing so, embed each point in projective space using the given w coordinate. Among other things, this method is useful for interfacing with OpenGL, especially routines like glBufferData. For example, a caller can allocate an array of an appropriate size, then loop over an array of AffPoint instances, invoking the pCoords method as follows:

float* buf = new float[4*NUM_POINTS];
for (int i=0 ; i<NUM_POINTS ; i++)
    affPointArray[i].pCoords(buf, 4*i);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 4*NUM_POINTS*sizeof(float), buf, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
delete [] buf;
coords[OUTPUT ONLY] the array into which the (x, y, z, w) projective space coordinates of "this" point are to be copied. Must be at least (offset+4) positions long.
offset[INPUT ONLY] the starting location in coords where the coordinates are to be placed (defaults to 0)
the given coords array pointer so that the method call can be used as a parameter to an OpenGL function expecting an array of float
See also
double cryph::AffPoint::ratio ( const AffPoint a,
const AffPoint b,
const AffPoint c 

Compute the unit vector uHat from (c-a). Then compute and return ratio(a,b,c) as defined by Farin.

a[INPUT ONLY] first point
b[INPUT ONLY] middle point
c[INPUT ONLY] last point
fabs(uHat.(c-b))>tol ? uHat.(b-a) / uHat.(c-b) : 0.0
void cryph::AffPoint::setCoincidenceTolerance ( double  tol)

Set the current point coincidence tolerance.

tol[INPUT ONLY] the desired point coincidence tolerance
See also
void cryph::AffPoint::swizzle ( char  xyz[3])

A method inspired by OpenGL's GLSL's swizzle operation. If the i-th character of xyz is 'X', then the x coordinate of "this" point is placed into the i-th coordinate of "this" point. If instead it is 'x', then negative of the x coordinate of "this" point is placed into the i-th coordinate of "this" point. Characters 'y', 'Y', 'z', 'Z' behave similarly. Any other character is simply ignored. Some examples:

cryph::AffPoint ap(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
ap.swizzle("Zxy"); // ap is now (3.0, -1.0, -2.0)
ap.swizzle("dzy"); // ap is now (3.0, 2.0, 1.0)
ap.swizzle("xxY"); // ap is now (3.0, 3.0, 2.0)
xyz[INPUT ONLY] an array of char of length 3 interpreted as explained and illustrated above
void cryph::AffPoint::toCylindrical ( double &  r,
double &  theta,
double &  z 
) const

Compute and return the cylindrical coordinates of "this" point

r[OUTPUT ONLY] the output computed r coordinate
theta[OUTPUT ONLY] the output computed theta coordinate
z[OUTPUT ONLY] the output computed z coordinate (same is this->z).
See also
void cryph::AffPoint::toSpherical ( double &  rho,
double &  theta,
double &  phi 
) const

Compute and return the spherical coordinates of "this" point.

rho[OUTPUT ONLY] the output computed distance from the origin to "this" point
theta[OUTPUT ONLY] the output computed angle in the xy-plane from the positive x-axis to the projection of the vector ("this" - origin) onto the xy-plane. Value will be: -PI <= theta <= PI.
phi[OUTPUT ONLY] the output computed angle from the positive z-axis to the vector ("this" - origin). Value will be: 0 <= phi <= PI.
See also

Member Data Documentation

const AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::origin = AffPoint(0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0)

the point (0,0,0)

double cryph::AffPoint::x

x coordinate

const AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::xAxisPoint = AffPoint(1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0)

the point (1,0,0)

double cryph::AffPoint::y

y coordinate

const AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::yAxisPoint = AffPoint(0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0)

the point (0,1,0)

double cryph::AffPoint::z

z coordinate

const AffPoint cryph::AffPoint::zAxisPoint = AffPoint(0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0)

the point (0,0,1)

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