Professor Saiedian developed these guidelines in the mid-2000s
for his software engineering students, but any EECS student
may use them in other classes, ignoring the SE-specific
requirements. Other faculty are welcome to use these guidelines with
proper attribution.
Guidelines for e-submission
Please note that the following requirements are to ensure that
your submitted materials are properly received, identified,
any missing parts are
immediately noticed,
and the submitted materials are easily located in the future.
Starting fall 2020: all submissions will be electronic and
on Canvas.
Your homework assignments, projects, term papers, proposals,
and similar coursework can be submitted electronically
or as traditional paper copies. Please review the specific
requirements for each project or consult with me to determine if
electronic submission is an available option. When electronic
submission is acceptable, please adhere to the following
Electronic submissions should be in either text-only or
PDF format. PDF documents are recommended because they are
platform-independent, ensuring compatibility with various
operating systems and printers.
Include minimal identifying information, such as your name,
course number, course title, project title, and relevant
contact information. If no specific format is required,
include a cover sheet and place this information in the top
left corner of the cover sheet. This information should include:
-- Project title (e.g., Term Paper Proposal)
-- Name (e.g., Hossein Saiedian)
-- Course number and title (e.g., EECS812: Requirements
-- Class meeting day and time (e.g., Tue and Thur,
11:00-12:15 PM)
-- Contact information (e.g., )
-- Today's Date (e.g., January 15, 2003)
Please limit the cover sheet to this essential information
unless the submitted materials are very brief and can all fit
on the cover sheet. If you are submitting a text-only (ASCII)
document without any attachments, include the above information
in flush-left format.
Unless otherwise specified, format your documents as
single-spaced. Ensure that all pages of a multi-page document
are sequentially numbered (e.g., 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, etc.). Page
numbers in n/m (or n of m) format are preferred and should be
centered at the bottom of each page. Cover sheets are typically
not numbered.
Unless otherwise indicated, ensure that an electronically
submitted document unpacks into a single electronic document at
my end, eliminating the need for me to preview, manipulate,
or print multiple files. The only exception is for large
programming projects, where you may place all components into a
folder and submit the folder. Please confirm that the submitted
items unpack into a single folder.
Regardless of the file or folder name you use on your
end (e.g., proposal.tex or Project-X), when submitting
it, rename it so that it unpacks into a file or folder
with an identifying name, such as your last name (e.g.,
eecs812-saiedian-project-x). Please avoid using spaces in
file names.
Finally, ensure that your email subject line is descriptive,
e.g., "EECSxxx Term YYYY Project #," to facilitate efficient
communication and organization.
Note 1:
For the term paper, please follow exact the same format
required on the guidelines for preparing a research paper.