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My EECS 368 team page

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My project ideas

Project One due March 22


Paradigms: a style or "way" of programming

Paradigm Parent Paradigm Description Examples
Imperative NA Explicitly describes the actions of a program and uses the sequence of statements to modify the program state C++, Java
Declarative NA Programs describe what they want to accomplish instead of giving explicit instruction and tend to lack things that interact with the real world and change the state of the program SQL, xquery
Structured Imperative, Declarative Programs are task-centric and replaces goto statements with block structures and for loops and while loops
Procedural Imperative, Structured Programs are based on prodecures(functions), which can typically be called from anywhere in the code, and do not have classes PHP, JavaScript
Functional Declarative, Structured Programs behave similarly to Procedural programs, but there is no state and therefore no variables Fortran, Haskell
Object Oriented Imperative, Structured Data structures form objects which contain methods(functions) and attributes(variables) that are created in classes C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, Haskell
Logic Declarative The engine answers questions based on facts and rules ASP