~~NOCACHE~~ {{ :esp.jpg?150|}} **Dr. Erik Perrins** \\ Charles E. & Mary Jane Spahr Professor and Department Chair \\ Electrical Engineering & Computer Science \\ University of Kansas \\ 2001 G1 Eaton Hall \\ 1520 West 15th St. \\ Lawrence, KS 66045 USA \\ \\ Voice: 785.864.4486 \\ Fax: 785.864.0387 \\ E-mail: e s p "a t" k u . e d u \\ ====== Summary ====== I am a Charles E. & Mary Jane Spahr Professor and the Department Chair for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (<html><a href="http://www.eecs.ku.edu">EECS</a></html>) at The University of Kansas. My research and teaching interests are in the broad area of wireless communications. My current research topics include modulation and coding techniques, receiver synchronization (frequency, phase, and symbol timing estimation), noncoherent and differentially coherent detection, communication over fading channels, energy efficient communications, multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) architectures, and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM). I also have current research topics at the intersection of wireless communications and digital hardware design, where we are studying efficient and rapid implementation architectures for reduced-complexity-yet-near-optimal decoders and demodulators. If you would like to work with me, please follow the research link above. I teach both graduate and undergraduate courses, on topics that include signals & systems, probability theory, digital communication theory, wireless communications, information theory, and forward error correction coding. A list of my current and previous classes is found at the link above. I enjoy interacting with government and industry through sponsored research activities and also on a consulting basis. Please see the above link on industry collaborations, and feel free to contact me for more information. I am a Senior Member of the IEEE, and a member of the IEEE Communications Society and the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. I have served as an Area Editor for the //IEEE Transactions on Communications//. I am also an active participant in the Communication Theory Technical Committee within the IEEE Communications Society, having served in officer positions for that committee from 2011–2018. ---- <php> $strMyRootFileSystemAddress = "../"; $strCounterFile = $strMyRootFileSystemAddress . "txt/count.txt"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Open count file $pFILE = fopen($strCounterFile, "r"); if($pFILE != false) { $strTemp = fgets($pFILE,1024); $strCount = trim($strTemp); $nCount = 0 + $strCount; } else { $nCount = -1; } # Increment count file $pFILE = fopen($strCounterFile, "w"); $strTemp = sprintf("%d", $nCount + 1); fputs($pFILE, $strTemp); fclose($pFILE); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ printf("This page has been visited %d times<br>\n", $nCount); $strFileName = "start.txt"; $strMyRootFileSystemAddress = "../"; $strLogFile = $strMyRootFileSystemAddress . "txt/log.txt"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Update the log that this file was downloaded $today = getdate(); $strIP=getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); $strHost= gethostbyaddr($strIP); $pFILE = fopen($strLogFile, "a"); $strTemp = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d - %d %s downloaded by %s %s\n", $today['mon'], $today['mday'], $today['year'], $today['hours'], $today['minutes'], $today['seconds'], $nCount, $strFileName, $strIP, $strHost); fputs($pFILE, $strTemp); fclose($pFILE); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ </php>