EECS 700:
Carrier Phase Recovery for BPSK
The goal of this exercise is to correctly demodulate the noisy
received signal in RxCRBPSK.mat.
Signal Constellation
transmitted data points are taken from the signal space
constellation below. Notice the relationship between bits (0, 1)
and symbols (-A, +A).
You should be
aware of the
relationship between A and the average symbol energy.

After being corrupted by noise, the received signal is demodulated by
the system below, which detects the transmitted signal space points and
outputs the estimated values.
Design Exercise
Part I: BPSK Detector with Decision Directed Carrier Phase Recovery
Your design should begin with your final result from the BPSK Exercise.
Using blocks from the SIMULINK Block Library, the Signal Processing
Blockset, and the Communications Blockset, you must add a quadrature arm to
the detector, and also a ROTATE block, a phase error detector, a loop
filter, and a loop DDS. You want the phase locked loop (PLL) to
be second-order with a proportional-plus-integral loop filter.
These new components are highlighted in red in the diagram below.

Design your detector to be compatible with a BPSK transmitter with the
following specifications:
of samples per symbol: 8
Normalized carrier frequency: 0.20 cycles/sample
Pulse shape:
square-root raised cosine (SRRC) with roll-off = 0.5 and Lp = 8 symbols
Average symbol
1 Joules
In addition to the above specifications, the transmitter sends data
according to the following format:

The 8-bit (8-symbol) unique word used by the transmitter is [1 1 0 1 0
1 0
0]. The purpose of the unique word is to provide a method of
resolving the 180-degree phase ambiguity introduced by the
decision-directed phase error detector. To accomplish this, you
must search the detector output for two versions of the unique word
that correspond to the two possible constellation rotations. Once
the unique word has been found, the phase ambiguity is known and can be
Since a certain period of time must pass before the loop locks onto the
carrier phase, the transmitter will repeat the above packet four times.
Part II: Detecting an
Unknown Data Set
Here are the steps for the final
part of the exercise:
- Connect the input of your detector to a From File
block and set the filename to RxCRBPSK.mat (If you have problems with that
file, here is a ZIP version).
- Set the simulation
parameters to:
Time: 0.0
Stop Time:
options: Type: Fixed-step, Solver: discrete
(no continuous states)
step size: 1
Suggested values for the
loop bandwidth and damping coefficient are 0.05 (normalized to the
symbol rate) and 1.0, respectively.
- Run the Simulation.
- The detector produces
954 decisions. The PLL will lock at some point in the middle of
this sequence, which means that there will be a potentially large
number of garbage symbols that should be discarded.
- To find the data
look for the 8-symbol unique word (or its logical complement).
the unique word is found, the following 224 (possibly inverted) symbols
correspond to 32 7-bit ASCII characters.
- Plot the phase error
(the loop filter input), and use this plot to estimate how long (in
symbol times) it took for your PLL to lock. Include this with
your report.
- Determine the message
using your own conversion script or an ASCII
table, such as the one found here.
- Submit your answer AND
your detector model file (.mdl SIMULINK file) to the class TA via the
Digital Drop Box in Blackboard (you may submit via e-mail only if you
problems with Blackboard). You should organize your files into a
folder, and then ZIP the folder and submit the ZIP file. The
convention for the ZIP file is ""
to the Lab
Exercises Page