EECS 700:  Discrete-Time Processing

The goal of this exercise is to gain a thorough understanding of the discrete-time differentiator and the discrete-time integrator.

Part of this lab exercise is MATLAB based, and part is pencil-and-paper based.  You may submit the pencil-and-paper portion through the usual methods (i.e. the EECS front desk, in class, or in the lab).  You may submit the MATLAB part electronically via the Blackboard Digital Drop Box (preferred) or also via e-mail to the class TA.  Please complete the MATLAB portion in a single .m file that can generate all the necessary plots when it is executed.  The resulting plots should be cut-and-pasted into a Word document for submission along with your comments and observations.  Your .m file can be submitted as an appendix to the Word document.  The Word document should have a rough outline that matches the flow of the lab below (i.e. Part I, numbers 1-7, Part II, numbers 1-4).

Part I: Discrete-Time Differencer

  1. Complete Exercise 3.36 in the class textbook.
  2. Reproduce Figure 3.3.17 in the class textbook.  Note that you must select Wc*T = pi, which yields Equation (3.59).  For the purposes of computing Equation (3.59), you may assume T=1.
  3. Complete Exercise 3.37 in the class textbook.
  4. Reproduce Figure 3.3.18 in the class textbook.  I found the following MATLAB functions to be helpful: blackman(), freqz().
  5. Using whichever method you prefer (pencil and paper, or MATLAB), determine the frequency response of a discrete-time "differencer," i.e. the system with y(n) = x(n) - x(n-1).  You should find that the differencer does an adequate job as long as the sample rate is high enough.
  6. Sample a known signal [such as cos(wt)] using a sample rate that is at least 5 times greater than the Nyquist rate.  Pass this signal through the first central difference approximation and plot it along with its analytical derivative.  What observations do you have?  I found the MATLAB filter() function to be helpful.
  7. Sample a known signal [such as cos(wt)] using a sample rate that is close to the Nyquist rate.  Pass this signal through the first central difference approximation and plot it along with its analytical derivative.  What observations do you have?

Part II: Discrete-Time Integrator

Here are the steps for the final part of the exercise:
  1. Complete Exercise 3.39 in the class textbook.
  2. Reproduce Figure 3.3.22 in the class textbook.
  3. Sample a known signal [such as cos(wt)] using a sample rate that is at least 5 times greater than the Nyquist rate.  Pass this signal through the discrete-time integrator using the trapezoidal rule and plot it along with its analytical integral.  What observations do you have?
  4. Sample a known signal [such as cos(wt)] using a sample rate that is close to the Nyquist rate.  Pass this signal through the discrete-time integrator using the trapezoidal rule and plot it along with its analytical integral.  What observations do you have?

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