Select an animal to add to the pen: 1.) Cow (produces milk) 2.) Chicken (cannot lay eggs) 3.) Cyber Chicken (seems dangerous, but lays eggs) --------------------------------------------------- choice: How many gallons of milk did this cow produce?: Done adding animals? (y/n): Select an animal to add to the pen: 1.) Cow (produces milk) 2.) Chicken (cannot lay eggs) 3.) Cyber Chicken (seems dangerous, but lays eggs) --------------------------------------------------- choice: How many gallons of milk did this cow produce?: Done adding animals? (y/n): Select an animal to add to the pen: 1.) Cow (produces milk) 2.) Chicken (cannot lay eggs) 3.) Cyber Chicken (seems dangerous, but lays eggs) --------------------------------------------------- choice: Add an eggless chicken to the pen? OK. You're the boss. Done adding animals? (y/n): Select an animal to add to the pen: 1.) Cow (produces milk) 2.) Chicken (cannot lay eggs) 3.) Cyber Chicken (seems dangerous, but lays eggs) --------------------------------------------------- choice: How many eggs did this cyber chicken produce?: Done adding animals? (y/n): Releasing all animals! ------------------------- This Cyber Chicken laid 88 cyber eggs. Humanity is in trouble. Upon release the Cyber Chicken said Resistance is futile. CyberChicken Destructor called Chicken Destructor called Chicken unable to lay eggs. Perhaps cybornetic implants will help? Upon release the Chicken said Cluck. Chicken Destructor called This cow produced 344.88 gallons of milk Upon release the Cow said Moo. This cow produced 300.55 gallons of milk Upon release the Cow said Moo. Your farm produced 645.43 of milk and 88 eggs.