Select a sort: 1) Bubble Sort 2) Insertion Sort 3) Selection Sort 4) Bogo Sort (use only with very small arrays!) Enter choice: Input a size for the random array: Input a lower bound on the range of random numbers: Input an upper bound on the range of random numbers: Do you want to print the unsorted array? (y/n): Here is the unsorted array: [185,695,74,113,773,979,53,136,801,918,102,891,780,933,999,27,573,826,930,2,641,991,306,888,170,859,319,23,181,510] Sorting with bubble sort... Do you want to print the sorted array? (y/n): Here is the sorted array: [2,23,27,53,74,102,113,136,170,181,185,306,319,510,573,641,695,773,780,801,826,859,888,891,918,930,933,979,991,999] 30 numbers were sorted in 0.00238801 seconds. Do you want to quit? (y/n): Select a sort: 1) Bubble Sort 2) Insertion Sort 3) Selection Sort 4) Bogo Sort (use only with very small arrays!) Enter choice: Input a size for the random array: Input a lower bound on the range of random numbers: Input an upper bound on the range of random numbers: Do you want to print the unsorted array? (y/n): Here is the unsorted array: [185,827,830,572,305,198,100,816,480,853,485,410,611,967,51,557,244,833,313,69,58,677,895,819,16,385,411,678,597,211] Sorting with insertion sort... Do you want to print the sorted array? (y/n): Here is the sorted array: [16,51,58,69,100,185,198,211,244,305,313,385,410,411,480,485,557,572,597,611,677,678,816,819,827,830,833,853,895,967] 30 numbers were sorted in 0.00148706 seconds. Do you want to quit? (y/n): Select a sort: 1) Bubble Sort 2) Insertion Sort 3) Selection Sort 4) Bogo Sort (use only with very small arrays!) Enter choice: Input a size for the random array: Input a lower bound on the range of random numbers: Input an upper bound on the range of random numbers: Do you want to print the unsorted array? (y/n): Here is the unsorted array: [185,827,830,572,305,198,100,816,480,853,485,410,611,967,51,557,244,833,313,69,58,677,895,819,16,385,411,678,597,211] Sorting with selection sort... Do you want to print the sorted array? (y/n): Here is the sorted array: [16,51,58,69,100,185,198,211,244,305,313,385,410,411,480,485,557,572,597,611,677,678,816,819,827,830,833,853,895,967] 30 numbers were sorted in 0.00195276 seconds. Do you want to quit? (y/n): Select a sort: 1) Bubble Sort 2) Insertion Sort 3) Selection Sort 4) Bogo Sort (use only with very small arrays!) Enter choice: Input a size for the random array: Input a lower bound on the range of random numbers: Input an upper bound on the range of random numbers: Do you want to print the unsorted array? (y/n): Here is the unsorted array: [185,827,830,572,305,198,100,816] Sorting with bogo sort... Do you want to print the sorted array? (y/n): Here is the sorted array: [100,185,198,305,572,816,827,830] 8 numbers were sorted in 0.0342706 seconds. Do you want to quit? (y/n):