Select an action: 1) Add to stack 2) See what is at the top of stack 3) Print all stack 4) Pop stack 5) Quit 6) Run Tests Enter choice: You chose: 1 What is going in stack 1?: 10 successfully added to stack 1 Select an action: 1) Add to stack 2) See what is at the top of stack 3) Print all stack 4) Pop stack 5) Quit 6) Run Tests Enter choice: You chose: 1 What is going in stack 1?: 20 successfully added to stack 1 Select an action: 1) Add to stack 2) See what is at the top of stack 3) Print all stack 4) Pop stack 5) Quit 6) Run Tests Enter choice: You chose: 1 What is going in stack 1?: 30 successfully added to stack 1 Select an action: 1) Add to stack 2) See what is at the top of stack 3) Print all stack 4) Pop stack 5) Quit 6) Run Tests Enter choice: You chose: 1 What is going in stack 1?: 40 successfully added to stack 1 Select an action: 1) Add to stack 2) See what is at the top of stack 3) Print all stack 4) Pop stack 5) Quit 6) Run Tests Enter choice: You chose: 1 What is going in stack 1?: 50 successfully added to stack 1 Select an action: 1) Add to stack 2) See what is at the top of stack 3) Print all stack 4) Pop stack 5) Quit 6) Run Tests Enter choice: You chose: 3 50 40 30 20 10 Select an action: 1) Add to stack 2) See what is at the top of stack 3) Print all stack 4) Pop stack 5) Quit 6) Run Tests Enter choice: You chose: 4 50 removed from stack 1 Select an action: 1) Add to stack 2) See what is at the top of stack 3) Print all stack 4) Pop stack 5) Quit 6) Run Tests Enter choice: You chose: 2 40 is at the top of stack 1 Select an action: 1) Add to stack 2) See what is at the top of stack 3) Print all stack 4) Pop stack 5) Quit 6) Run Tests Enter choice: You chose: 3 40 30 20 10 Select an action: 1) Add to stack 2) See what is at the top of stack 3) Print all stack 4) Pop stack 5) Quit 6) Run Tests Enter choice: You chose: 4 40 removed from stack 1 Select an action: 1) Add to stack 2) See what is at the top of stack 3) Print all stack 4) Pop stack 5) Quit 6) Run Tests Enter choice: You chose: 4 30 removed from stack 1 Select an action: 1) Add to stack 2) See what is at the top of stack 3) Print all stack 4) Pop stack 5) Quit 6) Run Tests Enter choice: You chose: 4 20 removed from stack 1 Select an action: 1) Add to stack 2) See what is at the top of stack 3) Print all stack 4) Pop stack 5) Quit 6) Run Tests Enter choice: You chose: 4 10 removed from stack 1 Select an action: 1) Add to stack 2) See what is at the top of stack 3) Print all stack 4) Pop stack 5) Quit 6) Run Tests Enter choice: You chose: 4 Exception: Peek attempted on empty stack Select an action: 1) Add to stack 2) See what is at the top of stack 3) Print all stack 4) Pop stack 5) Quit 6) Run Tests Enter choice: You chose: 2 Exception: Peek attempted on empty stack Select an action: 1) Add to stack 2) See what is at the top of stack 3) Print all stack 4) Pop stack 5) Quit 6) Run Tests Enter choice: You chose: 5 Program ending