The C++ Matrix3x3
Class |
Affine transformations in n-dimensional space
An affine transformation is defined as a mapping of a point in
an n-dimensional affine
space to another point in the same space.
Affine transformations include rotation, scale, mirror, and translation.
If P is an n-dimensional point in an affine space,
then we say that X(P) is the affine transformation of
the point. Affine transformations can also be applied to vectors.
If v is such a vector, then we say that
X(v) is the affine transformation of the
An affine transformation can be represented as (M,
t) where M is an n x n matrix, and t is
an n-dimensional vector in the associated n-dimensional vector space.
Assuming this representation, the transformation is applied to
points as:
X(P) =MP + t
Similarly, it is applied to vectors as:
X(v) =Mv
By embedding our geometry in an (n+1)-dimensional projective space,
we can represent the affine transformation as an (n+1)x(n+1)
matrix in which M is the upper left nxn portion, the
components of t comprise
the first n elements of the last column, and the bottom row is
(0, ..., 0, 1).
Affine transformations in 3-dimensional space
We restrict our attention to 3D points and vectors
by fixing n=3. In terms of the application of an affine
transformation as introduced above (i.e., X(P) =MP +
instances of class Matrix3x3 are used to represent M, and
instances of class AffVector are used to
represent t.
As noted above, affine transformations on points in a 3D space can be
represented using a 4x4 matrix operating on the projective space
equivalents of those points.
An instance of class Matrix4x4
can be created for this purpose.
The normal mode of operation is to create the 3x3 matrix M
first using one of the methods described here, then create the 4x4
matrix using a constructor which takes the 3x3 matrix and one of the following:
(i) a fixed point, (ii) a point whose pre- and post-images are known, or (iii)
an explicit translation vector, t. Among other things, such a 4x4 matrix
may then be passed into a graphics API like OpenGL which assumes all
transformations are represented as 4x4 matrices.
The methods and overloaded arithmetic operators specified
here define common ways to construct 3x3 matrices encoding affine
transformations and to apply them
to 3D points and vectors. While nothing would prevent it, this class was
not designed to
provide facilities for representing 2D transformations on points embedded
in a 3D projective space.
- Matrix3x3();
Constructs a 3x3 identity matrix.
- Matrix3x3(const Matrix3x3& M);
The copy constructor.
- Matrix3x3(double m11, double m12, double m13, double m21, double m22,
double m23, double m31, double m32, double m33);
Builds a matrix from the specified matrix elements.
As reviewed above, a 3x3 matrix by itself only describes the
effect of an affine transformation on vectors. (Although the
complete affine transformation for points is usually easily
constructed from such a matrix. See the references for details.) Therefore the
remaining constructors here are described in terms of specific
types of transformations on vectors. The references provide pictures and other
relevant explanatory material.
- Mirror matrix construction
- Matrix3x3(const AffVector& mirrorPlaneNormal);
Builds a matrix which will mirror an arbitrary vector about a plane
perpendicular to the vector mirrorPlaneNormal.
If mirrorPlaneNormal is a zero vector, the matrix will be
constructed as an identity matrix.
- Matrix3x3(char axis);
Builds a matrix which will mirror an arbitrary vector about a plane
perpendicular to the indicated axis. The parameter axis
must be one of 'x', 'X', 'y', 'Y', 'z', or 'Z'. Any other value
will result in the matrix being constructed as an identity
- Rotation matrix construction (Angle is in radians. Positive or
negative values are allowed. The positive direction of rotation is
determined by the right-hand rule as applied to the rotation axis
- Matrix3x3(const AffVector& rotationAxis, double
Builds a matrix which will rotate an arbitrary vector about an axis
parallel to the vector rotationAxis. If
rotationAxis is a zero vector, the matrix will be
constructed as an identity matrix.
- Matrix3x3(char axis, double angle);
Builds a matrix which will rotate an arbitrary vector by the given
angle about an axis parallel to the indicated axis. The parameter
axis must be one of 'x', 'X', 'y', 'Y', 'z', or 'Z'. Any
other value will result in the matrix being constructed as an
identity matrix.
- Scale matrix construction
- Matrix3x3(double sx, double sy, double sz);
Builds a matrix which will scale a vector about the origin by the
three scale factors given. No error conditions are possible since
any or all of the scale factors are allowed to be positive,
negative, or zero.
- Tensor product matrix construction
- Matrix3x3(const AffVector& u, const AffVector&
Builds the matrix which is the tensor product of the two given
vectors. The (i,j)-th element of the matrix is u[i]*v[j]. No error
conditions are possible. If either u or v is a
zero vector, then the resulting matrix will simply be a zero
C++ Overloaded Operators
In the following, assume that instances of Matrix3x3
called M, N, S1, and S2 have
been declared and initialized. Similarly, let us assume that
P and Q have been defined as instances of
class AffPoint and that u and v have been
defined as instances of class AffVector.
- operators implemented as instance methods
- Matrix3x3 operator=(const Matrix3x3& RHS);
The normal assignment operator. For example: M = N = S1 +
- bool operator==(const Matrix3x3& RHS) const;
The matrix comparison function. Returns true if and only if each
corresponding element is equal within BasicDistanceTol.
- Matrix3x3 operator*=(const Matrix3x3& RHS);
Analogous to *= for simple numeric types. For example: "M *=
N;" performs the 3x3 matrix multiplication "M * N", and the
result replaces M.
- Matrix3x3 operator*=(double f);
Each element of this matrix is scaled by the scale factor,
f. For example: M *= 2.3;.
- Matrix3x3 operator+=(const Matrix3x3& RHS);
Corresponding elements of this matrix and the RHS
matrix are added. The resulting matrix replaces this matrix.
For example: M += N;
- AffPoint operator*(const AffPoint& P) const;
The operation "P = M * Q;" multiples the 3D point Q
by M, storing the resulting transformed point in
- AffVector operator*(const AffVector& v) const;
The operation "v = M * u;" multiples the 3D vector
u by M, storing the resulting transformed vector in
- operators implemented as external functions
- Matrix3x3 operator*(const Matrix3x3& M1, const
Matrix3x3& M2);
The two indicated 3x3 matrices are multiplied together, and the
product is returned as the function return value. For example:
Matrix3x3 prod = M * N;.
- Matrix3x3 operator+(const Matrix3x3& M1, const
Matrix3x3& M2);
The two indicated 3x3 matrices are added element by element. The
resulting matrix is returned as the function return value. For
example: Matrix3x3 sum = M + N;.
- Matrix3x3 operator-(const Matrix3x3& M1, const
Matrix3x3& M2);
The two indicated 3x3 matrices are subtracted element by element.
The resulting matrix is returned as the function return value. For
example: Matrix3x3 diff = M - N;.
- Matrix3x3 operator*(double f, const Matrix3x3& M);
Each element of the matrix M is multiplied by f, and
the resulting matrix is returned as the function return value. For
example: Matrix3x3 scaledM = 10.3 * M;.
- ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const
Matrix3x3& m);
The matrix is written to the given output stream. (See the class
methods outputFormat and ioFormat below for
details.) Example: cout << M;
- istream& operator>>(istream& is,
Matrix3x3& m);
The matrix is read from the given input stream. (See the class
methods inputFormat and ioFormat below for
details.) Example: cin >> M;
Matrix3x3 Instance Methods
In the following, assume that an instance of Matrix3x3
called M has been declared and initialized.
- double determinant() const;
Computes and returns the determinant of the matrix. For example:
double det = M.determinant();
- double elementAt(int i, int j) const;
This routine returns the matrix element at (i,j). For example:
double elem = M.elementAt(2,1); The results are
unpredictable if either i or j is outside the range 0..2.
- int extractAxisAngle(AffVector& w, double& theta)
A 3x3 matrix which is orthogonal and right-handed describes a rigid
transformation on vectors. Any such transformation is equivalent to
a single rotation about some axis. This routine verifies that
this matrix is orthogonal and right-handed (see methods
below). If it is, it computes and returns in w and
theta the axis and angle which describe the equivalent
rotation. If this matrix is either not orthogonal or not
right-handed, the values of w and theta are
undefined, and one of the following two error messages will be
returned as the function return value:
Matrix3x3::NotRightHanded. If w and
theta are successfully determined, the function return
value will be Matrix3x3::Extracted_wTheta. Any other
function return value corresponds to an unanticipated internal
error, and w and theta should be considered
undefined. For example:
AffVector equivAxis;
double rotAngle;
int result = M.extractAxisAngle(equivAxis, rotAngle);
if (result == Matrix3x3::Extracted_wTheta)
// code which uses 'equivAxis' and/or 'rotAngle'
// error handling code....
- void extractRows(AffVector& row1, AffVector& row2,
AffVector& row3) const;
This routine extracts the three rows of a matrix, placing each in
the indicated output vectors. One could, for example, use this
routine while checking whether a matrix is right-handed:
AffVector r1, r2, r3;
if (AffVector::dot(r1.cross(r2),r3))
// the matrix is right-handed....
// it isn't....
- bool isOrthogonal() const;
This routine returns true if this matrix is
orthogonal. For example:
if (M.isOrthogonal())
cout << M;
- bool isRightHanded() const;
This routine returns true if this matrix is
right-handed. For example:
if (M.isRightHanded())
cout << M;
- double largestDiagonalElement(int& pos) const;
This routine will return the position of the largest element along
the diagonal of the matrix. For example:
int pos = -1;
cout << "Largest diagonal element is: " << M.elementAt(pos,pos) << '\n';
- void multiply(const double a[ ], double b[ ]) const;
This routine multiplies the array in 'a' (which is assumed to have length 3)
by the matrix, placing the result in the output array 'b' (which is also
assumed to be of length 3). Do not pass the same array as the actual
parameter for 'a' and 'b'.
- double setElementAt(int i, int j, double newValue);
This routine sets the matrix element at (i,j) to newValue. For example:
M.setElementAt(2,1,-10.329);The matrix is unchanged
if either i or j is outside the range 0..2.
- double trace() const;
This routine computes and returns the trace of the matrix. The
trace is the sum of the diagonal elements. For example: double t
= M.trace();
Matrix3x3 Public Constants
The following constants are Matrix3x3 class variables that
can be used in your programs.
- Special Matrices
- const Matrix3x3 IdentityMatrix;
The identity matrix.
- const Matrix3x3 ZeroMatrix;
The zero matrix.
For example, the mirror matrix constructor described above does in part the
equivalent of the following:
AffVector n(1.0, 2.0, -1.3);
Matrix3x3 N = Matrix3x3::tensorProductMatrix(n,n);
Matrix3x3 Mirror = Matrix3x3::Identity - 2.0 * N;
Values for the parameter ioAspect in the class methods
ioFormat, inputFormat, and outputFormat
- const int elementFieldWidth;
- const int openMatrixDelimiter;
- const int openRowDelimiter;
- const int elementSeparator;
- const int rowSeparator;
See the description of the indicated class methods for instructions and
examples on the use of these constants.
Matrix3x3 Class Methods
Most of these class methods provide alternative ways to
construct 3x3 matrices. If any of these methods cannot create the
matrix due to some error in supplied parameters (e.g., a
zero-length vector was provided), an identity matrix will be
returned. Angles are assumed to be measured in radians.
- Matrix3x3 crossProductMatrix(const AffVector& u);
This class method computes and returns a matrix, U such that, for
any arbitrary vector, v:
u x v = Uv
- char* getInputFormat(int iAspect);
- char* getOutputFormat(int oAspect);
These methods return the character strings currently being used as
indicated. (See the descriptions of inputFormat, ioFormat, and
outputFormat below.) A copy dynamically allocated by copyString
(defined in Basic.h)
is returned. It is the responsibility of the caller to use delete []
when the string is no longer needed.
- int getOutputElementFieldWidth();
This method returns the field width currently being used to output matrix
- void inputFormat(int iAspect, char iValue);
- void inputFormat(int iAspect, const char* iValue);
- void ioFormat(int ioAspect, char ioValue);
- void ioFormat(int ioAspect, const char* ioValue);
- void outputFormat(int oAspect, char oValue);
- void outputFormat(int oAspect, const char* oValue);
- void outputFormat(int oAspect, int oValue);
Use of these class methods allows you to control whether the
>> and << operators defined above use parentheses,
commas, and so forth. By default, the input operator assumes that
no opening delimiters or separators are used; the output operator
assumes that braces are used as opening delimiters, and blanks
are used as element separators. Consider the following code:
cin >> M;
cout << "M = " << M << '\n';
Assuming the default conditions specified, if the input is:
13.2 -1.2 -0.334 1.9 21.5 97 1.2 18.2 0.32
then the output will be:
M = {{ 13.2 -1.2 -0.334} { 1.9 21.5 97} { 1.2 18.2 0.32}}
The methods inputFormat and outputFormat allow you
to change these assumptions for the input and output operators,
respectively. The ioFormat method is equivalent to invoking
both inputFormat and outputFormat with the given
The valid values for "ioAspect" are listed in the "public constants"
section above.
Using these, we can format the preceding more reasonably as:
cin >> M;
Matrix3x3::outputFormat(Matrix3x3::elementFieldWidth, 5);
Matrix3x3::outputFormat(Matrix3x3::openMatrixDelimiter, "{\n");
Matrix3x3::outputFormat(Matrix3x3::rowSeparator, ",\n");
cout << "M = " << M << '\n';
If the input is the same as indicated above, the output will be:
M = {
{ 13.2 -1.2 -0.334},
{ 1.9 21.5 97},
{ 1.2 18.2 0.32}
Any character string can be specified for any of these formatting
options (subject to a
maximum length). For the "open" strings, a matching closing character
string will be
generated by matching each input character with an "inverse". If,
for example, the string "(*\n" is specified as the openDelimiter,
then "\n*)" is generated as the closing delimiter.
The input operator does not actually check for an exact match on delimiters
and separators. Instead it knows the number of nonblank characters in each, and
it simply skips that many nonblank characters on input.
- Matrix3x3 mirrorMatrix(const AffVector& mirrorPlaneNormal);
This class method creates and returns a 3x3 matrix which will mirror
vectors about a plane perpendicular to the given mirror plane normal
vector. If the given vector has zero length, a 3x3 identity matrix is
- Matrix3x3 rotationMatrix(const AffVector& rotationAxis,
double angle);
This class method creates and returns a 3x3 matrix which will rotate
vectors about an axis parallel to the given rotation axis vector.
If the given vector has zero length, a 3x3 identity matrix is
- Matrix3x3 rotationMatrix(const AffVector& uFrom, const
AffVector& uTo);
This class method creates and returns a 3x3 matrix which will rotate
the "from" vector onto the "to" vector.
If either vector has zero length, a 3x3 identity matrix is
- Matrix3x3 rotationMatrix(const AffVector& uFrom, const
AffVector& vFrom, const AffVector& uTo, const AffVector& vTo);
This class method creates and returns a 3x3 matrix which rotates the
orientation vectors of one local coordinate system onto
those of another. The orientation of the two
coordinate systems is defined by a (u, v) vector pair.
Specifically, the u vector defines the direction of a local x
axis, and the component of v perpendicular to u defines the
direction of a local y axis.
The matrix returned rotates the "from" coordinate system directions
onto those of the "to" coordinate system. More precisely, it is equivalent
to first rotating the "uFrom" vector onto the "uTo" vector, and then
rotating about this common "u" direction until (i) "vFrom" is in the plane
of "uTo-vTo", and (ii) the component of "vFrom" perpendicular
to "uTo" is
parallel to the component of "vTo" perpendicular to "uTo". If it is not
possible to create this matrix for any reason (e.g., if any of the four
vectors has zero length or if the component of v perpendicular to
u is a zero vector for either pair), then an identity matrix is
- Matrix3x3 scaleMatrix(double sx, double sy, double sz);
This class method returns a 3x3 matrix which will scale vectors
by the indicated scale factors in the three coordinate directions. No
error conditions are possible; scale factors can be positive, negative,
or zero.
- Matrix3x3 shearMatrix(const AffVector& n, const AffVector& u,
double f);
This class method returns a 3x3 matrix which will shear vectors
by an amount that is proportional to the length of
their component parallel to n.
Imagine that n defines the orientation of a "shear plane".
Define nhat as a unit vector in the direction of n,
and define ushear as a unit vector in the direction of
the component of u perpendicular to nhat. The
ushear vector defines the shear direction in the shear
plane. Vectors in the shear plane are not modified at all. An arbitrary
vector v not in the shear plane is sheared in the
+ushear or -ushear direction, according
to the side of the plane to which it points. The amount of the shear is
proportional to the length of v parallel to n. The
parameter f is the constant of proportionality. Specifically, the
matrix returned will transform v into v' as follows:
v' = v + f * (v . nhat)ushear
If any of the vectors mentioned in the paragraph above have zero length
and/or if f=0,
an identity matrix is returned.
- Matrix3x3 tensorProductMatrix(const AffVector& u, const
AffVector& v);
This class method returns the 3x3 matrix determined by the tensor product
of the two given vectors.
- Matrix3x3 xRotationMatrix(double angle);
- Matrix3x3 yRotationMatrix(double angle);
- Matrix3x3 zRotationMatrix(double angle);
These three class methods return a 3x3 matrix which will rotate vectors
about the indicated axis by the given angle in radians.
Jim Miller