We will begin our study of shader-based OpenGL with the "Hello, World" of OpenGL programs: drawing a single triangle. The output is on the right, but don't be fooled by the simplicity of the example. In this graphical version of "Hello World", we will actually see the bulk of the OpenGL concepts we will need for basic OpenGL programming.
We will study two different implementations:
In this simple implementation, (nearly) all of the OpenGL code is in a single small file so that we can focus on understanding the graphics modeling and rendering process from the perspective of OpenGL.
The code structure we studied in "HelloOpenGLBasic" above does not scale up to even moderately
interesting scenes. Moreover, its structure makes it unnecessarily dependent on the GLFW window manager.
The restructured implementation described here isolates the GLFW dependence to one part of the Controller
class hierarchy and illustrates how the basic responsibilities
and data are assigned to our two most basic canonical classes: ModelView
As you develop your programs using this framework, keep in mind two general Rules of Thumb when it comes to deciding how functionality should be assigned to classes you design and implement:
hierarchy except for
certain query calls (i.e., glGet*) or
functions that have parameters that are pixel-based in window manager space. For example, glClear, glViewport
and/or glReadPixels might be called from such a class, but not
glTexImage2D, glBindVertexArray, etc.ModelView