

Fall 2016

Class #: 21458

Meets: Mon. 4-6:50 PM

Room: BEST-125

Computer Networks

Course Catalog Description
Foundations of computer networking with practical applications and network administration, with emphasis on the Internet and wireless public switched telephone network.

Prerequisites: IT320, System & Network Administration.


    Tim Johnson

    Tim Johnson

    Professor of Practice
    Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    The University of Kansas


    Voice: 913-897-8666
    Office: BEST-250C, KU Edwards Campus
    Office Hours: By appointment or
           Mon. 7-8 pm, Tue. 6-7 pm, Wed. 6-7 pm

    Course Outcomes

    Student should be capable of:

    Course Topics

    Topics to be covered include:



    Electronics:Attendance:Missed work:eMail:

    Course Resources


    The following text books are REQUIRED!

    William Stallings,Tom Case
    Business Data Communications:
    Infrastructure, Networking and Security
    Pearson College Division,

    For Business Data Communications, Data Communications, and introductory Networking for Business courses. Business Data Communications: Infrastructure, Networking and Security covers the fundamentals of data communications, networking, distributed applications, and network management and security. These concepts are presented in a way that relates specifically to the business environment and the concerns of business management and staff. While making liberal use of real-world case studies and charts and graphs to provide a business perspective, the book also provides the student with a solid grasp of the technical foundation of business data communications. The diverse set of projects and student exercises enables the instructor to use the book as a component in a rich and varied learning experience and to tailor a course plan to meet the specific needs of the instructor and students. The Seventh edition features a new co-author, Dr. Thomas L. Case, Professor and Chair of the Department of Information Systems at Georgia Southern University. New coverage of security-related issues is included in relevant places throughout the book to meet the needs of the IT/IS schools using this book and the growing emphasis on network security. Additionally, the Seventh edition now aligns with the ACM/AIS IS 2010 curriculum model.

    Description »

    Evi Nemeth,Garth Snyder,Trent R. Hein,Ben Whaley
    Unix and Linux System Administration Handbook.
    Pearson Education,

    Surveys the best practices for all aspects of system administration, covering such topics as storage management, email, Web hosting, performance analysis, virtualization, DNS, security, and configuration management.

    Description »

    The following are NOT REQUIRED, but suggested as reference material.

    James F. Kurose,Keith W. Ross
    Computer Networking:
    A Top-Down Approach

    &>Computer Networking continues with an early emphasis on application-layer paradigms and application programming interfaces (the top layer), encouraging a hands-on experience with protocols and networking concepts, before working down the protocol stack to more abstract layers. This book has become the dominant book for this course because of the authors' reputations, the precision of explanation, the quality of the art program, and the value of their own supplements. Visit the authors' blog for information and resources to discuss the newest edition, as well as valuable insights, teaching tips, and discussion about the field of Computer Networking

    Description »

    Tentative Class Schedule

    No class on 10/10/2016 due to scheduled KU break.

    NOTE: Dates are for 2016 and this schedule is subject to change.
    01Introduction to Business Data CommunicationsReview SyllabusCh.1
    02Business Information & Distibuted Data ProcessingCh.2-3
    03Data Transmission & Data Communication FundamentalsLab#1Ch.4-5
    04Data Link Control and MultiplexingCh.6
    05Lab#1The InternetLab#2Ch.7
    07Lab#2Client/Server, Internet, and Cloud Computing & Internet-Based ApplicationsLab#3Ch.9-10
    08Internet Operation & LAN Architecture and InfrastructureCh.11-12
    09Lab#3Ethernet, Switches, and Virtual LANsCh.13
    10Wireless LANsLab#4Ch.14
    11Test#2:Ch.7-14WAN Technology and ProtocolsCh.15
    12Lab#4WAN Services & Wireless WANsCh.16-17
    13ProjectComputer and Network Security Threats & TechniquesCh.18-19
    14Network Management, Planning, and Design (as time allows*)Ch.20-21*
    15ExamComprehensive FinalEnjoy Break


    Students' success will be determined as follows.

    Graded # Given Use Best Points Each Max Points Time
    Project111001004+ week
    Lab44502002 weeks
    Test2210020050 min.
    Final1110010090 min.
    Grade Range
    A 90-100
    B 80-89
    C 70-79
    D 60-69
    F <60

    Tentative Due Dates

    Specific dates are subject to change as needed.


    Project-1 : 11/28/16


    Required before class.
    Lab-1 : 09/26/16
    Lab-2 : 10/17/16
    Lab-3 : 10/31/16
    Lab-4 : 11/21/16


    Test-1 : 10/03/16
    Test-2 : 11/14/16


    Final : 12/12/16


    Policies and General Information

    Students with Disabilities:
    "The Academic Achievement and Access Center (AAAC) coordinates academic accommodations and services for all eligible KU students with disabilities. If you have a disability for which you wish to request accommodations and have not contacted the AAAC, please do so as soon as possible. They are located in 22 Strong Hall and can be reached at 785-864-4064 (V/TTY). Information about their services can be found at . Please contact me privately in regard to your needs in this course."

    Student Services
    Student services provides support and assistance to help students meet their academic goals by offering convenient and accessible services.

    Academic Calendar
    The current academic calendar is available on the University Registrar website.

    Academic Misconduct
    Student class participation implies that you agree to abide by the university's academic misconduct policy described in University Senate Rules and Regulations, Article 2, Section6. Students who violate student conduct policies will be subject to severe penalties. Academic honesty is vital to an institution of higher education. Any violation of the policy will be dealt with immediately and severely.

    Inclement Weather
    Generally, the University does not close because of snow or other inclement weather. In the rare event that classes are suspended, the decision to cancel classes that start before 4 p.m. is made by 7 a.m. For classes that start after 4 p.m. a decision is made by 2 p.m.

    Emergency Procedures
    KU Edwards Campus emergency procedures listed for fire, gas leak, tornado, bomb threat, and medical emergency.

    Johnson County Research Triangle
    KU's Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) degree is offered on the KU Edwards Campus through the School of Engineering. The Edwards Campus has offered a Master's Degree in Information Technology (MSIT) since 2006. The BSIT is program made possible through the Johnson County Education Research Triangle (JCERT).
