EECS 210 - Discrete Structures
EECS 300 - Directed Readings
EECS 399 - Electrical Engineering Projects
EECS 448 - Software Engineering I
EECS 498 - Honors Research
EECS 541 - Computer Systems Design Laboratory I
EECS 542 - Computer Systems Design Laboratory II
EECS 581 - Computer Science Design I
EECS 582 - Computer Science Design II
EECS 648 - Software Engineering Tools
EECS 649 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
EECS 690 - Agile Software Development
EECS 690 - Robot Intelligence
EECS 690 - Sensors and Measurements
EECS 690 - Software Development Life Cycle
EECS 690 - Software Engineering Tools
EECS 692 - Directed Reading
EECS 700 - Developing Commercial Software
EECS 700 - Mobile Robotics
EECS 700 - Theory and Practice of Robotics
EECS 747 - Mobile Robotics
EECS 800 - Applied Artificial Intelligence for Mobile Robots
EECS 800 - Intelligent Agents
EECS 800 - Space Robotics Challenge
EECS 801 - Directed Graduate Readings
EECS 803 - Introduction to Research
ENGR 830 - Internship Field Studies
EECS 891 - Graduate Problems
EECS 899 - Master's Thesis
EECS 998 - Post-Master's Research
EECS 999 - Doctoral Dissertation