Students who attend the lab section for a given week will receive full credit for participation if they make a good-faith, reasonable effort to complete the lab within the allotted time. This means that they work diligently on the lab and nothing but the lab until they either finish with no mistakes or run out of time. Students who finish early must get their work approved by me before leaving in order to receive credit for participation.
Students who do not attend the lab section, attend and don't put forth reasonable effort, or attend and leave early without my approval will have their Canvas submissions graded for correctness that week. Note, this means that if you finish early and are confident that your work is correct, you can submit to Canvas and leave without my approval (with the understanding that your work will be graded for correctness).
All students should submit their work to Canvas, even if they are trying for the participation grade and/or their work is incomplete. If you get participation points for a given week, we won't grade your submission for correctness. We just want to have it for reference.