EECS 739: Scientific Parallel Computing, Spring 2015


Dr. Suzanne Shontz
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Kansas

Course Information and Policies


Lecture Materials

Research Lecture Slides:
Parallel linear solver for acoustics problems involving vibrating structures immersed in fluids (from Ken Czuprynski's M.S. thesis at Penn State, 2012)

Teaching Lecture slides:
Chapter 2: Parallel Computing Platforms (slides by AG)
Chapter 2: Parallel Computing Platforms (slides by George Karpyis)
Chapter 3: Principles of Algorithm Design (slides by George Karypis)
Chapter 3: Principles of Parallel Algorithm Design (slides by AG)
Chapter 6: Programming Using the Message Passing Interface (slides by George Karypis)
Chapter 5: Analytical Modeling of Parallel Programs (slides by George Karypis)

Example C++ Code:
LU Factorization code

Example MPI Code:
MPI_Send/MPI_Receive code

MPI Tutorials:
MPI Tutorial
Example MPI codes that function as a tutorial. (We went over these in class on 3/5/15.)

Example GPU Codes:
GPU script for use with (Vector addition)
Document explaining matrix multiplication GPU codes
GPU script for use with (Matrix Multiplication without shared memory)
multNoShare.h (Header file for use with
GPU script for use with (Matrix Multiplication with shared memory)
multShare.h (Header file for use with
Gradient Descent CUDA code


Homework 1
Script for submitting jobs to cluster on Homework 1
Instructions for monitoring the status of cluster jobs
Homework 2
Homework 3
Additional information on Homework 3, Problem 3
MPI + C++ code compilation instructions
Script for submitting parallel jobs to cluster on Homework 3 (Note: This script was modified on 3/4/2015 around 10:45pm; please use this version of the script.)
Homework 4
Homework 5 (Note: Problem #4 directions were modified on 4/28/15 as discussed in class.)
Instructions for compiling and running GPU code
Sample GPU submission script


Midterm Exam
Final Exam